Here’s Why WE ARE IN NEED OF More Diversity In The Beauty Industry

Makeup lines have recently stepped up their attempts to make more inclusive products. We’re gradually but viewing the beauty industry move around in the right direction surely. One individual who’s nailed creating diversity in the beauty industry? None other than Rihanna, who sent the wonder industry reeling after releasing her 40-color foundation line as part of her beauty brand, Fenty. It arrived at a time where big brands like Tarte were releasing foundations with only five to six deeper tones, and many women were still struggling to find make-up that catered to their skin tones.

As wonderful as this progress is, I believe we’ve all harvested weary of the wonder industry viewing diversity as simply a pattern because it’s a lot more than that. Diversity is the building blocks (pun intended) that beauty is built upon. Inclusivity should be an expectation, not a luxury. I spoke with some College Fashionista community people to get their undertake diversity in the beauty industry and why we need more of it.

Kat Tinsley, an active community member at Sarah Lawrence College, sees that interpersonal press superstars and celebrities are bringing the discussion of variety into the limelight. Tinsley’s personal experiences with not having the ability to find her shade of makeup are shared with her family members, who have also voiced their frustrations, fueling her belief that the perfect solution is to the is problem is having honest conversations. “My mother has never worn makeup, and it’s due to the fact she has never had the opportunity to find products that work on her behalf,” Tinsley says. “Being Puerto Rican and African American, my entire family looks different and is filled with a wide variety of and diverse brownish shades.

But most of us struggle with finding products that really work for all of us. I believe companies need to take time to get in touch with folks of color (POC). Mbulo feels one way to address the inconsistency of having a color-inclusive beauty collection is merely to be color-inclusive lines from the start. “In the foreseeable future,” she says, “I hope to see beauty brands become inclusive from the beginning, not from backlash just.

I always have examined it in-store first to make sure ‘deep’ isn’t just honey-colored. Diversity in the beauty industry is of great importance if you ask me. Catering to people of color doesn’t just stop with dark tones that might be considered ‘light-skin.’ This means catering to as many shades in the spectrum as is possible. It really is like saying that these darker tones aren’t as pretty, and as many can attest, that is not the entire case.

Community member and editorial fellow from Philadelphia University Bri Gibbs finds that lack of diversity can be an isolating, negative experience for an individual and the brand. ’s more centered on one kind of person than another,” she says. Whittier Scholar and community member Sumitra Bernardo thinks diversity comes in several forms.

Not only will the industry fail to focus on women of color, but women who don’t fit the standard of perfect as well. Acne, body shapes, and epidermis textures are other features that need representation because we need all women to be observed. “This conversation has always been happening,” Bernardo shares, “it just is not always in the mainstream limelight.

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A great deal of consumers would talk about this conversation, but it was a choice of these makeup brands to react toward the issue, of simply dismissing the discussion instead. Bernardo continues, “I really believe there should be more diversity in beauty not only within the skin tones of the models and the merchandise but also with the kind of skin that is being shown.

I barely see models who have acne on the skin. It might be nice to see this because it would show the consumer representation within the number of pores and skin types and true body positivity. Embrace the acne, undesired facial hair, no undesired facial hair, and multiple pores and skin tones. Diana Kempf, a learning student from Liberty University or college, like many of us, has beliefs in the beauty industry.